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To Критик: Someting about Mao
Автор: the banner     11.06.06 17:42  Сообщить модератору

NO doubt most of the citizens in China are discontented with this giant country.It brings the necessity of the appearance of the thought that the govenment should retake the policies now seeming new and odd,but regular in Mao times.
But who holding this view seems of minority,even the quantity of people missing Mao is constantly increasing. The main obstacle may be not the officers and millionares,but the successful education lasting almost 3 decades claiming that the later part of Mao Era is a extream unprecedented havoc to the nation.
In various publications,including student-reading books,Mao is described as a empty-headed,arbitrary emperor.This makes the new-generation citizens believe that turing to Mao is equal to killing democracy automatically and voluntarily.
So the pre-democracy view is more welcomed,especially by youngers. They have little interests in Mao,and even less in the situation nowadays.A western-styled system is what they want.
In any case ,the current supreme leaders seems to be making the country not that ferocious as received by inhabitants in1990's.

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