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"Советская музыка"

Этот форум предназначен для обсуждения Советской эпохи и и музыки. Все сообщения, не относящиеся к теме, непристойные сообщения, а также сообщения, оскорбительные для других участников форума будут удалены.

Автор: the banner     8.06.06 11:32  Сообщить модератору

I 'm from P.R.China,born in early 1980s'. Usually I pay no attention to music or songs except for those initiated in Soviet Russia/Union.
But the period full of enthusiasm and ideal is gone. So great songs like that cannot be created in Russia,nor in China.
I appreciate the view that some certain kinds of literature and art ang music can only be born in some certain kinds of society and era.I feel sad that in the late S.U.era the popular Russian music turn to Western style and that youngers in China sharing the same taste with me just take a aproximate propotion of 0.001percent.
The new generation in China at large have no hope or ideal.What they care is just money and
enjoyment,not the future of the nation. On this point most young Communist Party members of China behave poorer. 99% of them know nothing about the name Che Guevara.
The Chinese today have no ability to liberate anyone in this plannet,themselves involved,even they have a largest-scaled army called "Liberation Army". But I have hope, since the existence and spread of Soviet Songs and the people who enjoy them and sing them.
Once again will the flag of Lennin lead us to the new glory.

You are welcom!
Автор: Критик  8.06.06 15:09  Сообщить модератору
Long life Red China! What are you think about Mao period? Are many people in your contry like to go back to time of Mao, or they think about other socilaist alternative?

не очень-то они и хотят вернуться назад...
Автор: Клим  8.06.06 16:53  Сообщить модератору
теперь китайцы, почти как и все люди на земле, стремяться заработать деньги, по возможности найти лучшую жизнь за границей, или еще что-то в этом духе.
Даже на бренде Мао зарабатывают деньги, продавая достаточно дорого все его цитатники, бюсты, шапки и т.д.

Автор: Vangelis  20.07.06 18:32  Сообщить модератору
Dear Comrades, I come from Greece and I have great respect for all the Soviet and Chinese Communist leaders who try to change our world and fight capitalism. In Greece between 1946 - 1949 we had war between the Liberation Army of the Greek Communist Party and the government army with the aid of the british and americans. Unfortunately we lost the war then but we fight in our country to show to the people that the only way for them is Communism. I hope that we will live again an era with strong Communism nations. Kind regards Comrades keep up your fight for Communism in every nation.

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